
adding yellows and thanksgiving

That self-help yourself commercial from carreer builder with the guy who talks to a be-wigged and pregnant version of himself.
My phenomenal hubby.
Sliding Doors is on tee vee, Rock Monster was on again last night and High Fidelity is on a lot.
The Monkey Mix cd Ron made.
The neighbors are in the patio playing chase with their dog.
my petal quilt blocks
our amazing view of downtown
the acting training I've gotten
my goal to walk to Circus of Books and back
I have bags and bags of fabric and thread in my car
my family
the internet
answer me this
our blue-and-yellow bedroom
my digital camera
ability to see options, be creative and make choices
colorful christmas lights
we took a walk yesterday evening and a little kitty cat that looked kind of like this guy followed us around

that's all I can post now. Time to chill. Will post more later.


Monster Up Your Saturday Night

Looking for something to do tonight? Stay in, invite some friends over, get a pizza (yum!) and enjoy the premiere of *Rock Monster*

My husband, Ron Fernandez, wrote the critically acclaimed sci fi film that airs tonight on the SciFi Channel at 9 pm.

I know, a Sci Fi channel movie that's getting pretty good reviews from the critics. I'm claiming it as testament to Ron's genius.

Here are some links: http://www.scifi.com/rockmonster/ and http://www.variety.com/review/VE1117936566.html?categoryid=1264&cs=1


Windy Saturday

San Jose was hella fun. It was pretty windy up there when we arrived, but I think the wind down here is best explained by its being *March*.

We got to meet lots of drifting kids and a bunch of racers too. Ron's been working hard on editing the footage together. What I've seen looks really good-- it's going to be a fun pilot. I haven't posted anything since, but I did write one while I was up there, about a donut I had that Sunday. It was an apple fritter and had peanuts in it. Really disturbing. Should apple fritters have peanuts in them? I don't think so.

My hair is still pretty fair and pink. I know you were wondering. Tonight I'll be on Marty's Corner (http://www.martyscornerlive.com/) promoting Young Birds Fly and I actually re-did it so I would be nice and odd-looking for live television. Woo hoo!

And now, for the whole reason I'm posting right now: I think I finally figured out how to sew triangles together for a quilt top. I've read all sorts of instructions and seriously, pointy corners don't sew together the same way a square's corners do. It isn't neat and pretty. But here's a photo of it. And in serendipitous delight I've somehow gotten the edges in the middle exactly matched up. It's hard to see that in the photo, but I totally did!!

Watch me and my pink hair LIVE online tonight. Marty's Corner website has a link...