
Curtains all done!

Here we have the third and last of my "Bedroom Curtain" shorts. The second panel took less time, probably because I knew what I was going for this time around, and used several pre-cut quilt squares. It was a treat going through the big bag of gingham, wondering about what projects my Granny had also created from the fabric. There were pieces cut nice and square, but many other scraps had circular shapes to them. Some looked like shoulder shapes, and I know she has made quilts with non-triangle/square patterns to them. I have one that is done up in big, bold fabric flowers!

By the way, I did do pasta for dinner last night. Lots of chopped tomatoes, thinly sliced garlic to start it off and a few sprigs of thyme.

I quilted away today to podcasts from Lime & Violet, Alison Lee's Craftcast and then switched to watching Jodoworsky's 'Fando and Lis' You would think with such an ecclectic set of influences it would have shown in the fabrics I sewed up. Maybe it's all still in my head, stewing until it's terminus.

*Note to say I'm sorry for the airplane going through the background of the video. I do live in the city, after all.

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